Dental Insurance
Complete Your Health Coverage With Dental Insurance
Regular dental exams can help detect early signs and symptoms of disease elsewhere in the body. Practicing good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are an investment in your overall health.
Despite the connection between dental health and overall health, many health insurance plans do not cover preventative dental care. Older physicians are especially affected, since neither Medicare nor most Medigap policies cover preventative dental care or routine dental procedures.
We have found that virtually every employee will have some form of health insurance, but many go without dental coverage. Dental health is too important, and we want to help practice owners and their employees receive the best possible dental care.
TMA Insurance Trust can help you bridge the gap in coverage with dental plans that offer an extensive network of dental providers in your area.
If you are looking to provide dental coverage for staff members in your medical practice, TMA Insurance Trust can provide you with dental options that provide seamless enrollment with a medical plan. We also offer a members-only individual option for you and your family. Contact us today for a free consultation to help you find a plan that best fits you and your practice’s needs.
TMA Insurance Trust wants to help you achieve optimal health through our competitively priced dental plans. We offer top-quality plans with exclusive premium rates for TMA member physicians, their family and medical practice staff.
Request a free, no obligation consultation today.
We were created and are exclusively endorsed by the Texas Medical Association © 2025 TEXAS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INSURANCE TRUST