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Is It Time To Help Protect More Of Your Income?

Almost every professional knows how important it is to help protect their income. Our long term financial health depends on it.

For over 60 years we have worked with Texas physicians to help them protect their income and the financial security of their family.

But now, as risks to our health and livelihood are rising daily, we are finding that many physicians are reaching out to us with concerns that their income may not be adequately protected – leaving the financial security of their family vulnerable.

In these uncertain times we feel it is important to have a good understanding of how we can help financially protect ourselves and our families in the event we become ill or injured and are unable to work.

Some Disability Insurance May Not Be Enough

Disability insurance has long been known as an important way to help replace income if we are ill or injured and cannot work for a prolonged period of time.

Indeed, it’s likely that most physicians already have some amount of disability insurance – either obtained on their own or through an employer.

But what you may not be aware of is the possibility that your disability insurance plan may only cover about 60% of your salary.*

Some carriers may estimate this is the amount needed to live on when you are disabled – because while you are recovering your expenses may decrease.

But it is pretty clear that you will still have the same mortgage, car and student loan payments – not to mention all your other living expenses. Those will not decrease just because you are not working. In our opinion, that could leave you with a wide gap in financial protection.

Have questions about your insurance needs? We're here to help - click here or call today
800-880-8181 7:30 – 5:30 CST Monday – Friday

Plans To Help Protect More Of Your Income

If there is a gap in your income protection, we can help you find a disability insurance plan that may best suit your needs. We have put together a range of disability insurance products with exclusive member discounts.

These plans can help fill your income protection gap at a lower cost than you would likely find elsewhere. For example:

  • We work with Guardian, a leader in individual disability insurance. Physicians will be able to take advantage of exclusive discounts beginning at 10% and increasing up to 20% for TMA members – for every year of the policy.
  • The TMA Member Disability Plan issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America comes with a 25% premium credit** – which can effectively save members thousands of dollars over the life of the policy. It can be an affordable way to supplement your existing coverage and comes with a simple, time-saving application process. You can get up to a $4,000/month benefit without having to verify your income and regardless of any other coverage you have.
  • We have also developed a plan through Lloyd’s of London that offers a monthly benefit of up to $100,000. The plan is not restricted by the limits domestic carriers typically place on the amount of coverage you can have (60-65%) – and it comes with a 20% discount for TMA members.

Keep Your Plan – Supplement Your Coverage

If you currently have disability insurance that does not sufficiently protect your income, you don’t have to switch plans. You can obtain one of these plans in addition to your current plan.

As an example, the TMA Member Disability Plan can be a smart choice to help you affordably increase your total amount of coverage. You can apply for a monthly benefit of up to $15,000. And if you were to receive a benefit from the TMA Member Disability Plan, it would be irrespective of the benefit from any other disability insurance you may have.

Get Personalized Advice

Our advisors are here to help if you have any questions about which policy may be best for your needs. They are available weekdays from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM CST to answer your questions, review your current disability insurance, and compare quotes from several of the top-rated insurance companies in the nation.

See how easy it is to help protect more of your income. Call us today at 1-800-880-8181.

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For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.

Speak with a TMA Insurance Trust Advisor:

*FEDweek, Disability Purchase Considerations for Disability Insurance, May 2019
**Effective 8/1/2019, TMA Insurance Trust is able to provide participants with a premium credit of 25% that will be applied to their billing invoices, effectively decreasing the amount of their premium payments by 25%. This complimentary premium credit is provided at the sole discretion of the TMA Insurance Trust, is not guaranteed for future years, and will be subject to periodic review and evaluation.
TMA Member Long Term Disability plan coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all plan information, including limitations and exclusions. Contract Series 83500


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