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Practice Owners: Special Health Insurance Options You May Not Be Aware Of

23 October 2021

Life moves fast for small practice owners. Between the responsibilities of running your practice and your family commitments, each day can seem like it never has enough hours in it to get everything done.

So it’s a good bet that in your spare time – what little you have – you’re not poring over the latest iterations of health insurance regulations. Which means you may not be aware of special health insurance options available to you during the small group Special Enrollment Period (11/15 – 12/15, 2021).

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Practice Owners: The Group Coverage You Need and Support You Deserve

8 May 2021

When you operate a medical practice, certain insurance policies are a necessary expense. You’re paying for the insurance, but are you getting the best possible service to go along with it? Some small practice owners are paying for coverage, but get very little assistance from their insurance company. 

Working with TMA Insurance Trust is different. With over 60 years serving only Texas physicians, we offer focused expertise and outstanding personalized service that will exceed your expectations.

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Get the Best Coverage and Service for Group Health Insurance

3 April 2021

If you’re a practice owner or manager, you bear a lot of responsibility. One of those responsibilities is choosing and managing your practice’s group health insurance needs. Because your group health insurance can renew at any time throughout the year, remember that we at TMA Insurance Trust are here year-round to help you when you need it. Whether your plan is up for renewal or you’re offering group benefits for the first time, we can do the research, and look for superior options; and will always provide you with the best service. At TMA Insurance Trust, it’s “open enrollment” for group insurance all year long.

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How to Help Your Practice Prepare for the Unexpected

20 March 2021

In 2019, did you expect that a pandemic would sweep the nation? Some practice owners faced insurmountable obstacles outside their control and their practices did not survive. Those that still own viable practices may be thinking of ways to better protect their practices in the future. Though there is no insurance against a pandemic, there are types of coverage that can help provide additional financial protection for your practice.

One such type is Business Overhead Expense (BOE) insurance.

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We’re Here to Help Your Practice: Now and in the Future

25 April 2020

If you are a practice owner, the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting shelter-in-place order is likely taking a toll on your business. Many practice owners have either reduced their staff’s working hours or have had to furlough employees. Though you are concerned for your patients’ and your staff’s health, you’re also rightfully concerned about what the future will bring for your practice.

Recently, many practice owners who have secured group health insurance through TMA Insurance Trust have contacted us with questions about their group benefits. Please know that if you need assistance with benefits questions, we are available to help you.

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Help Keep Your Practice Up And Running When You’re Out Sick

7 March 2020

You are your business.

That statement is true for any physician who owns their own practice.

Why? Because you are the backbone of your practice – which is literally your business. If you were ill or injured and couldn’t work, who would be responsible for keeping your practice up and running? You would, of course.

You are responsible not just to earn income for yourself and your family, but you must also be there for your patients as well as your staff.

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Get Year-Round Help for Group Health Insurance

8 February 2020

We all know that for individuals, health insurance renewals and changes happen during the November and December calendar months. But if you’re a practice owner or manager, your group health insurance can renew at any time throughout the year. Whether your plan is up for renewal, or you’re offering group benefits for the first time, we want you to know that TMA Insurance Trust can help you year-round. We do the research, look for superior options, and always provide the best in service. Read on to see how your practice can benefit from getting assistance from our team.

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5 Things Business Overhead Expense Does That Personal Disability Insurance Doesn’t

1 June 2019

As a solo practitioner or partner in a practice, you’re responsible for paying monthly overhead expenses that keep your business up and running. If something happens and you’re unable to work due to a disabling injury or illness, the personal disability insurance you have won’t be enough to cover your payroll and business operating expenses.

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