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Get Optimal Coverage and Control Costs with Special Group Health Options

27 April 2024

Managing a medical practice, whether with a team or independently, requires careful attention to costs without sacrificing quality care. One of the most significant expenses for physicians is health insurance. Finding affordable yet comprehensive coverage can be challenging, but TMA Insurance Trust is dedicated to helping you control costs without compromising coverage. We aim to assist you in efficiently managing your practice's healthcare while you focus on giving your patients the care they deserve.

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The TMA Member AD&D Plan: Intentional Insurance for Accidental Injuries

7 October 2023

Industry expansion in the 19th century was so swift that the concept and execution of safety regulations couldn’t keep up. The vast number of severe injuries and deaths that resulted led to the development of accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance.

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Practice Owners and Independents - Get the Group Coverage You Want, Even Without Employees

12 November 2022

Doing the same thing the same way can sometimes be beneficial. As a physician, you have protocols of care that you follow for particular illnesses and diseases. But if a new, better form of treatment became available, would you dismiss it, or would you investigate its usefulness to your patients?

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The Four Advantages of Buying Insurance From TMA Insurance Trust

17 December 2021

Like other insurance agencies, TMA Insurance Trust is a full-service insurance agency with a staff of professional agent-advisors who have years of experience. But that is where the similarities end. Here are four exclusive advantages for members from TMA Insurance Trust you may not be aware of.

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Why Good Dental Health Supports Good Physical Health

11 December 2021

Physicians know that preventive care and early detection is so important when it comes to physical health. The same can be said of dental health. In fact, in recent years, research has uncovered a correlation between regular dental checkups and good physical health. In this article, we’ll explore that link, and talk briefly about the importance of dental insurance.

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Open Enrollment exclusive: PPO Coverage For You and Your Family

4 December 2021

Open Enrollment will be over soon. But there’s still time to take advantage of opportunities to get a higher quality insurance plan potentially at a lower cost than what you may be paying now.

One such opportunity may appeal to solo and small practice owners who want the greater freedom and choice of a PPO health insurance plan.

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Why Cheaper Health Insurance Isn’t Always The Best Choice

27 November 2021

“You get what you pay for” is a timeworn adage that, while simple, conveys a profound truth: paying less often means getting less. When independent practice owners start to research health insurance options, price is often the biggest deciding factor--for valid reasons. But if you rely solely on price, when you have a medical emergency, you may find your insurance coverage is sorely lacking. The difficulty is finding the balance between obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage that will provide the kind of coverage you need and keeping the practice’s budget in check. It’s a balance that’s become even more crucial during the pandemic.

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Practice Owners: Special Health Insurance Options You May Not Be Aware Of

23 October 2021

Life moves fast for small practice owners. Between the responsibilities of running your practice and your family commitments, each day can seem like it never has enough hours in it to get everything done.

So it’s a good bet that in your spare time – what little you have – you’re not poring over the latest iterations of health insurance regulations. Which means you may not be aware of special health insurance options available to you during the small group Special Enrollment Period (11/15 – 12/15, 2021).

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