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Medicare Coverage When Working Past 65

23 March 2024

If you enjoy practicing medicine and value the relationships you've built over the years, you may not be ready to retire as you approach your 65th birthday. Planning to continue working requires a thorough understanding of your Medicare options in order to avoid costly mistakes that could permanently affect your finances. TMA Insurance Trust is here to expertly guide you through this significant decision-making process, ensuring you make informed choices without incurring unnecessary and ongoing penalties.

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Securing Your Health Coverage in Retirement

24 February 2024

The right health insurance coverage is the linchpin of a secure retirement. Whether you're nearing 65 or have surpassed that milestone, understanding how Medicare plans can work for you is crucial for safeguarding your finances in retirement. TMA Insurance Trust deeply understands the unique challenges physicians encounter in securing appropriate coverage during this transition. If you're on the brink of losing traditional group health insurance or are already enrolled in Medicare, you may encounter gaps in coverage for medical bills and prescription medicines. This is where Medicare Supplement and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans become indispensable.

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Securing Health Insurance in Retirement

14 October 2023

As you embark on retirement, a new chapter begins, bringing both life experiences and necessary insurance adjustments. At TMA Insurance Trust, we understand the unique needs and concerns of retiring physicians regarding healthcare coverage. Making informed insurance decisions now can ease the transition and help make your retirement years more financially secure.

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Protect Your Health and Retirement with a Medicare Supplement Plan

9 September 2023

Americans are living longer and healthier lives. That is due in part to our access to essential healthcare. As you age, finding the right Medicare supplement plan is a key component to acquiring the healthcare you need later in life. TMA Insurance Trust can help you decipher the complexities of Medicare so you can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

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Planning To Work Past 65? See What Medicare Says About That

12 August 2023

Many physicians nearing age 65 look forward to retiring. But many who are close to the traditional age of retirement may choose to continue working.

That’s usually because they find fulfillment in their practice of medicine and the relationships they’ve built with their colleagues and patients. And, of course, there’s also the opportunity to continue to earn a good income.

However, if you are approaching 65 and plan to continue working, there are some critical Medicare decisions you must be ready to make. These cannot be put off. Otherwise, you could be hit with costly penalties for the rest of your life.

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Older Physicians - Get Support to Secure the Right Health Insurance Coverage

24 June 2023

Securing sufficient medical insurance coverage as you approach your 65th birthday is crucial. Even as a physician, deciding on which plan is right for you can be a complicated task. Fortunately, TMA Insurance Trust can help you examine your options when considering Medicare Supplement and Part D prescription insurance so that you can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

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Retiring Soon? See How That Affects Your Insurance

1 October 2022

 Are you getting close to retirement? If so, congratulations. You’ve no doubt worked hard to earn it and we wish you many years of fulfillment ahead.

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Medicare Is Complicated – Getting Help Is Easy

17 September 2022

In life as we get older we gain knowledge and acquire more experience. As physicians, that can yield professional wisdom and provide greater confidence in how you proceed with your patients.

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