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Help Protect Your Smile and Your Budget with Dental Insurance

10 August 2024

Whether you are a new physician or a more seasoned one, your personal budget has likely felt the squeeze of inflation. Thus, making smart financial choices is a priority, especially when it comes to healthcare. Dental care costs can quickly add up, and many may hesitate to visit the dentist due to financial concerns. But regular dental visits are essential not just for maintaining your health, but also for your career.

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Dental Insurance: A Wise Choice for Your Health and Finances

1 June 2024

Physicians have a profound understanding of the intricate connections within the human body, recognizing that issues in one area can have repercussions throughout the whole body. This principle applies equally to oral health, which isn't just about a bright white smile - it also plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being.

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Dental Insurance: Opening Doors to Better Health and Savings

6 January 2024

Most physicians would agree that health insurance is necessary coverage, but because of the expense, dental insurance may not be prioritized, especially if you are already maintaining a regular at home dental regimen, such as brushing and flossing. However, overlooking dental insurance can delay regular checkups and create a gap in safeguarding your overall health, potentially leading to more significant expenses in the future.

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How Dental Insurance Supports Healthy Aging

30 September 2023

Thanks to modern medical advances, aging is not what it used to be. We can now maintain much of our strength, health and function as we get older. The right dental insurance can help you keep your smile bright and healthy for many years to come.

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Protect Your Teeth and Your Wallet

12 August 2023

Protecting your oral health is an essential step to managing your overall health. Unfortunately, in this economy, many are forced to choose between going to the dentist or protecting their wallet. Thus, due to cost, many avoid going to the dentist. TMA Insurance Trust can help protect both your wallet and your oral health by offering you an economical way to secure dental coverage.

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Dental Insurance: A Smart Financial Move for Long-Term Savings

24 July 2023

Spending money to save money may sound counterintuitive, but there are situations where it can be a wise financial decision in the long run. For instance, you likely perform regular maintenance on your vehicle. Oil changes, tire rotations, and other preventive services can help avoid expensive breakdowns. Investing in energy-saving appliances may cost you upfront, but the long-term benefit of lower utility bills is a trade-off many homeowners gladly accept.

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Close the Gap in Your Healthcare with Dental Insurance

3 June 2023

Practically all physicians have health insurance. It’s regarded as essential to maintaining overall health. Having it in place allows you to access vital preventive care and seek treatment that can safeguard your life.

Dental insurance can be overlooked. Some physicians opt out of dental insurance, perhaps due to cost. In actuality, dental insurance can provide savings for those who visit the dentist regularly. Opting out of dental insurance creates a gap in your care that can have a significant impact on your health and wellness.

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Brighter Teeth, Reduced Health Risks, Lower Costs – Dental Insurance Makes Sense

7 January 2023

Have you been missing visits to your dentist? If so, it’s not surprising. You work long hours. Your schedule can be packed. Plus, the cost of a routine exam with a full set of x-rays can seem expensive – as it seems the cost of almost everything continues to rise.

But skipping regular visits to the dentist can have a negative impact – not just on oral health, but on your overall health as well.

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