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Health Insurance Enrollment: Available All Year Long?

1 June 2019

There are some people who believe that if they don’t buy health insurance during the Open Enrollment period at the end of the year, they won’t be able to get health insurance until open enrollment begins again. But for physicians in certain circumstances, health insurance may be available at other times. In fact, you may be eligible right now to review your coverage and make changes.

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Do You Know the Hidden Costs of Short-Term Health Insurance?

6 October 2018

Because of recent changes in law, short-term health insurance plans aren’t so “short” anymore; They can now be renewed for an extended period of time. Should you as a solo or small practice owner obtain this coverage for yourself? On the surface, short-term coverage may be an attractive option: it may appear to be flexible, affordable health insurance coverage. Your employees may be considering this as an option for themselves as well.

At TMA Insurance Trust, we want you to understand the details of short-term health insurance so that if you do decide to purchase a plan, you will be aware of what you are buying.

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What Texas Physicians Need to Know About Finding Affordable Health Insurance After Open Enrollment

17 February 2015

On the mind of every Texas physician is the well-being of his or her family, especially regarding their health, health care and having the best coverage in place should it be needed. If you and your family are in need of health insurance but missed the open enrollment period window, which closed on January 1, 2016, know that not all hope is lost. You still have the opportunity to select a health insurance plan if you qualify under a series of life events. If one of these life events has occurred, you could enter a health insurance plan under a special enrollment period.

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