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Close the Medicare Gap with the Right Supplement and Part D Coverage

12 February 2025

In your career, experience is everything, and years of practice and dedication have allowed you to make informed decisions for the care of your patients. However, when it comes to navigating Medicare decisions alone, the barrage of new information can be complex and confusing, leading to potential gaps in coverage—and costly mistakes.

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Is Your Insurance Retirement Ready?

12 October 2024

Retirement marks an exciting new chapter, offering opportunities to pursue personal passions or spend more time with family. However, it also brings significant changes to your financial and insurance needs. After years of serving patients and building a career, it’s time to start thinking about how your insurance coverage needs will shift. The benefits you've relied on through your employer might no longer be available once you step away from practice.

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Medicare Is Complicated – Getting Help Is Easy

28 August 2024

In life as we get older we gain knowledge and acquire more experience. As physicians, that can yield professional wisdom and provide greater confidence in how you proceed with your patients.

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Facing Medicare Decisions? TMA Insurance Trust Can Help

28 August 2024

Navigating Medicare can be like solving a complex puzzle, with numerous pieces that must fit together just right. Whether you are already enrolled in Medicare and looking to make coverage changes or exploring your choices for the first time, the process may feel overwhelming. Knowing all your options enables you to make informed decisions, helping you manage your health and finances well into the future.

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Is Inflation Eating Away the Value of Your Life Insurance?

16 March 2024

Like many people, it may have been years since you last took out a life insurance policy. Most people buy life insurance when they first get married or start a family. They file the policy away with their important papers and usually don’t give it a second thought. But with the rise of inflation, it may be time to take another look at your policy.

You buy life insurance to keep your family financially secure. However inflation could silently be eroding much of that security and leaving your family with less protection than you intended.

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Securing Health Insurance in Retirement

14 October 2023

As you embark on retirement, a new chapter begins, bringing both life experiences and necessary insurance adjustments. At TMA Insurance Trust, we understand the unique needs and concerns of retiring physicians regarding healthcare coverage. Making informed insurance decisions now can ease the transition and help make your retirement years more financially secure.

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Retiring Soon? See How That Affects Your Insurance

1 October 2022

 Are you getting close to retirement? If so, congratulations. You’ve no doubt worked hard to earn it and we wish you many years of fulfillment ahead.

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Protect Your Retirement and Save

16 July 2022

Health is wealth. As we age, we grow to appreciate the truth of that like never before. Protecting our health has always been essential, but as we age maintaining good health becomes more important, and more expensive.

Fortunately, there are insurance solutions that make caring for our health more affordable. TMA Insurance Trust can help you find the insurance you need to protect your health and your wealth during retirement.

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