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Protect Your Practice with Business Overhead Expense Insurance

11 June 2015


Medical practice owners have a great deal of overhead expenses for which they are responsible. In fact, according to the 2014 MGMA Cost Survey Report, practice operating expenses range from 50% to over 80% of total medical revenue. Additionally, Modern Medicine cited rising operational costs as one of the top 15 challenges facing physicians in 2015. So, what happens to the practice you’ve built if you became disabled?

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How Business Overhead Insurance Can Save Your Medical Practice

17 April 2015

Have you ever asked yourself, “Can my business survive if I’m not there”? Most physicians would say no since their practice relies on them so much. Whether you are just starting your own practice, or you are growing an existing one, it’s important that it keeps running smoothly even if something should happen to you.

Like most physicians who own a small  or midsize practice, you are the key player in keeping your practice profitable, and if you’re not there to see patients, your practice will quickly fail. Well, that’s what Office Overhead Expense Insurance is there for – a way to keep your business functioning even when you can’t be there.

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