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TMA Members: Get Help Paying for Hospital Bills

2 July 2022

Picture the scene. A couple is joyously awaiting the birth of their first child. As the weeks pass, excitement begins to build as they set up the nursery and start making lists of baby names. But underneath the thrill of being first time parents, financial worries begin to creep in. Hospital bills loom large on the horizon. How much will the health insurance policy cover? How much will the out-of-pocket costs be?

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3 Tips for Choosing the Right Hospital Indemnity Insurance to Fit Your Needs

22 January 2016

Health insurance offers more than just medical care; it offers peace of mind and reassurance. The harsh reality of the matter, however, is that even the best medical insurance plans can still leave you with expensive deductibles and co-pays, not to mention the unforeseen out-of-pocket expenses that can come with an extended hospital stay.

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4 Facts You Need to Know About Hospital Indemnity Insurance

21 September 2015

Exclusively for Members of Texas Medical Association


Why consider hospital indemnity insurance? As a physician, it’s likely you’ve already taken the time to find a good health insurance plan for yourself and your family. You might even feel confident about your ability to deal with unforeseen injuries and serious health issues should any arise down the road. Still, no one ever got paid for lying in a hospital bed, and when physicians find themselves unable to work, it’s that much more money they’re losing.

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Must-Know Facts About Supplemental Coverage for Physicians

13 July 2015

As a physician, you are well aware of the benefits of traditionally-known insurance types, such as standard health, life and disability. While these plans are crucial in terms of protection, what if you prefer covering high deductible costs, out-of-pocket expenses your regular insurance plan does not cover, or suddenly face a critical illness that will require having extra cash on hand? When these life events arise, you can protect yourself and your family with an extra level of defense provided by a supplemental insurance plan.

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A Deeper Look at What Voluntary Benefits Can Do For Your Practice

3 June 2015
As a successful Texas physician with a thriving practice, you need top talent to keep your business running smoothly. Did you know that by offering voluntary benefits, you could do just that? Over the past few years, voluntary benefits have been popular with both physicians and employers alike for attracting quality talent and retaining essential staff members. In a survey conducted by Towers Watson in 2013, research found that the importance of voluntary benefits will grow by 27% in the next five years.
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Why You Should Consider Getting Supplemental Hospital Indemnity Insurance

11 May 2015

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a hospital stay costs around $7,400 for 18 to 44 year olds and $12,500 for 45-64 year olds. Even for those with health plans that include hospitalization coverage, a night spent in the hospital can leave you with many expensive medical bills. That’s where a Supplemental Hospital Indemnity policy can help.

Supplemental Hospital Indemnity Insurance is designed to address gaps in primary coverage by helping pay out-of-pocket expenses. In this article, we will answer eight common questions about Supplemental Hospital Indemnity Insurance and discuss why you may want to consider a supplemental policy to complement your health plan. 

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