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How Renters Insurance Provides Essential Protection

25 November 2023

During the pandemic, many of us are spending more time at home. Because many of our favorite restaurants are either closed or are open for takeout, more of us are cooking at home.

Did you know that unattended cooking is the #1 cause of home fires? Though we all try to be careful, about 70 percent of Americans have allowed cooking to go unattended.*

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Five Myths About Renters Insurance

26 January 2019

Many physicians in the early stages of their career do not yet own a home. If you are currently renting, you may be among the 60% of renters who have overlooked something very important: renters insurance. Many renters do not carry insurance because they are unaware of the facts. At TMA Insurance Trust, we want our members to be fully informed. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about renters insurance, and why you should know the truth.

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Add Renters Insurance to Your Apartment-Hunting Checklist

16 June 2018

Many residents and medical students are looking for a new home to rent in the months of June and July – and they’re not alone. The summer months are busy ones for apartment hunting in Texas. If you are a physician or medical student looking for a rental to call home, TMA Insurance Trust wants to remind you to be sure to add renters insurance to your checklist.

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Looking for a Rental this Year? 3 Tips You Need to Know

21 April 2018

Spring has finally arrived, and with it, an increased turnover in rental homes and apartments. Some physicians are moving for employment or may need a change of scenery. Others have college students in the family who will be living in rental housing for the coming school year. Whatever the case, many are thinking of a new place to call home.

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Renters Insurance: Essential, Low Cost Protection for Young Physicians

20 January 2018

TMA members who rent their home can take advantage of special savings on their renters and auto insurance. When you purchase both your auto and renters insurance with TMA Insurance Trust through Travelers, the auto insurance savings could exceed the cost of the renters policy.* But is renters insurance really necessary for you?

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Can You Afford to Be Without Renters Insurance?

29 July 2017

Homeownership has often been called the American dream - but for some physicians, owning a home is not yet a practical choice. Perhaps you are quite early in your career and you aren’t ready to put down roots, or maybe you want to pay down medical school debt before buying a house. For many reasons, renting a house or apartment may be a more suitable option. Whether you’re looking to cut expenses or save up for your dream home, there is one thing you should not be without: practical, affordable renters insurance.

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Renters Insurance: A Smart Move for College Parents

15 July 2017

Families across Texas are busy shopping and packing, getting ready to send their sons and daughters off to college this fall. If your family is in this situation, we have some important information that you need to know.

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A Behind the Scenes Look at TMA’s New Insurance Programs

25 March 2017

In an effort to serve members better, TMA Insurance Trust recently introduced auto, homeowners, renters and umbrella insurance for members. We’d like to take you behind the scenes and show you what makes this program such an exciting new benefit for members.

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