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Dental Insurance: A Wise Choice for Your Health and Finances

1 June 2024

Physicians have a profound understanding of the intricate connections within the human body, recognizing that issues in one area can have repercussions throughout the whole body. This principle applies equally to oral health, which isn't just about a bright white smile - it also plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being.

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Medicare Coverage When Working Past 65

23 March 2024

If you enjoy practicing medicine and value the relationships you've built over the years, you may not be ready to retire as you approach your 65th birthday. Planning to continue working requires a thorough understanding of your Medicare options in order to avoid costly mistakes that could permanently affect your finances. TMA Insurance Trust is here to expertly guide you through this significant decision-making process, ensuring you make informed choices without incurring unnecessary and ongoing penalties.

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Is Inflation Eating Away the Value of Your Life Insurance?

16 March 2024

Like many people, it may have been years since you last took out a life insurance policy. Most people buy life insurance when they first get married or start a family. They file the policy away with their important papers and usually don’t give it a second thought. But with the rise of inflation, it may be time to take another look at your policy.

You buy life insurance to keep your family financially secure. However inflation could silently be eroding much of that security and leaving your family with less protection than you intended.

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Securing Your Health Coverage in Retirement

24 February 2024

The right health insurance coverage is the linchpin of a secure retirement. Whether you're nearing 65 or have surpassed that milestone, understanding how Medicare plans can work for you is crucial for safeguarding your finances in retirement. TMA Insurance Trust deeply understands the unique challenges physicians encounter in securing appropriate coverage during this transition. If you're on the brink of losing traditional group health insurance or are already enrolled in Medicare, you may encounter gaps in coverage for medical bills and prescription medicines. This is where Medicare Supplement and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans become indispensable.

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Insurance That Will Keep Working When You Retire

10 February 2024

Are you planning on retiring soon? Congratulations! You have worked hard to make it to this exciting era in your life. Many retirees underestimate the cost of future medical expenses so it’s important to review your insurance coverage now and make adjustments to ensure there are no gaps.

Before you start relaxing, traveling more, and spoiling your grandchildren, let TMA Insurance Trust help you decide on the right insurance coverage plan that will work for you, long after you retire.

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A Financial Safety Net for Life's Unexpected Events

13 January 2024

When an accident occurs, the unexpected expenses that follow could catch you off guard. Despite having health insurance, the costs of lab tests, x-rays, professional fees, and other medical expenses and non-medical expenses can accumulate quickly and leave you financially exposed.

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New Year, New Savings - Review your Auto and Home Insurance

16 December 2023

With the New Year upon us, one common resolution is to save money, which is particularly important for physicians managing many insurance policies. An effective way to turn this resolution into reality is by exploring potential savings and discounts on auto and home insurance. TMA Insurance Trust has made reviewing, simplifying, and comparing your policies easy.

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Securing Health Insurance in Retirement

14 October 2023

As you embark on retirement, a new chapter begins, bringing both life experiences and necessary insurance adjustments. At TMA Insurance Trust, we understand the unique needs and concerns of retiring physicians regarding healthcare coverage. Making informed insurance decisions now can ease the transition and help make your retirement years more financially secure.

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