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Protecting What Matters Most


Protect Your Teeth and Your Wallet

12 August 2023

Protecting your oral health is an essential step to managing your overall health. Unfortunately, in this economy, many are forced to choose between going to the dentist or protecting their wallet. Thus, due to cost, many avoid going to the dentist. TMA Insurance Trust can help protect both your wallet and your oral health by offering you an economical way to secure dental coverage.

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Planning To Work Past 65? See What Medicare Says About That

12 August 2023

Many physicians nearing age 65 look forward to retiring. But many who are close to the traditional age of retirement may choose to continue working.

That’s usually because they find fulfillment in their practice of medicine and the relationships they’ve built with their colleagues and patients. And, of course, there’s also the opportunity to continue to earn a good income.

However, if you are approaching 65 and plan to continue working, there are some critical Medicare decisions you must be ready to make. These cannot be put off. Otherwise, you could be hit with costly penalties for the rest of your life.

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Help Protect Your Practice’s Heartbeat With Business Overhead Expense Insurance

5 August 2023

In the current inflationary economy, many practice owners are encountering rising expenses that may surpass their ability to sustain their emergency savings. If they were to become unable to work due to an illness or injury, the funds they have managed to save for emergencies might not provide sufficient coverage for the practice if its revenue ceases. The loss of earnings could lead to a cascade effect of losses that extend beyond the financial aspect - loss of personnel, loss of patients, and loss of their reputation in their community.

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Plan Ahead for Safe Travels

5 August 2023

You may travel for business; other times for pleasure: a medical conference, family vacation, or holiday trip across the country. You prepare ahead of time, packing your bags and checking itineraries, thinking of both your comfort and safety. You know a well-thought-out trip is more likely to go smoothly.

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Are You Spending More than You Need to for Auto and Home Insurance?

29 July 2023

As a physician, you likely have a better income than many, but that’s no reason to spend more than you need to on auto or home insurance. Even if you were happy with your rate when you secured your policy, it is subject to change. Perhaps you may be paying more now than you did at that time. Why not take a look? You may be surprised at the savings.

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Dental Insurance: A Smart Financial Move for Long-Term Savings

24 July 2023

Spending money to save money may sound counterintuitive, but there are situations where it can be a wise financial decision in the long run. For instance, you likely perform regular maintenance on your vehicle. Oil changes, tire rotations, and other preventive services can help avoid expensive breakdowns. Investing in energy-saving appliances may cost you upfront, but the long-term benefit of lower utility bills is a trade-off many homeowners gladly accept.

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Your Group Health Insurance Plan Needs a Specialist

22 July 2023

When dealing with a health crisis, you may recommend that your patient get a second opinion or, depending on the situation, see a specialist. Take your own advice and get a second opinion about the group health insurance plan you choose for your practice. TMA Insurance Trust advisors specialize in helping physicians in Texas to find better group health insurance plans, get better service, and in some cases, even better rates.

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Surprising Ways to Utilize Your Term Life Insurance

15 July 2023

Term life insurance is the preferred choice of life insurance coverage for many physicians. It offers a straightforward and uncomplicated approach, providing immediate protection to your loved ones upon approval. Compared to whole life or permanent life insurance, term life plans are less complicated and more economical.

The advantages of term life insurance extend beyond safeguarding your family and leaving them a legacy should something happen to you. Consider some ways term life insurance can help provide more security in other aspects of your life.

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