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Strengthening Your Coverage with the TMA Member AD&D Plan

13 July 2024

As a dedicated physician, you pour your heart and soul into caring for your patients. Balancing a demanding career with personal life and family responsibilities is no small feat. Amidst this whirlwind, one crucial aspect often overlooked is your own protection and peace of mind. Serious accidents can happen anytime and without warning—whether you're driving to work, doing chores around the house, or traveling for vacation or to a conference.

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Planning for the Unexpected: The Importance of Life Insurance

15 June 2024

As a physician, you are well-versed in prevention within healthcare, where emphasizing proactive measures to maintain a patient's health is essential. This same concept extends to finances. Just as you would prescribe preventive medicine to support your patient's health, taking preventative measures to safeguard your family's financial well-being in unforeseen circumstances is imperative. You understand the harsh reality that the unexpected can and does happen and see firsthand the devastating impact such events have on families emotionally and financially.

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Stay Safe, Play Smart: Help Protect Your Adventures with Accident Insurance

8 June 2024

Spring and summer breaks bring families outdoors for more physical activities. From summer camps and sports leagues to backyard barbecues, many take advantage of promising days filled with sunshine and nights around campfires. Yet, alongside these moments of joy, there's a sobering reality: this is the season when hospitals see many people treated for sports and adventure-related injuries each year.

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Dental Insurance: A Wise Choice for Your Health and Finances

1 June 2024

Physicians have a profound understanding of the intricate connections within the human body, recognizing that issues in one area can have repercussions throughout the whole body. This principle applies equally to oral health, which isn't just about a bright white smile - it also plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being.

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Accessible and Affordable TMA Member Disability Insurance for Women Physicians

25 May 2024

Insurance is a fundamental tool for protecting what matters most in our daily lives and careers. Disability insurance, in particular, is essential to help safeguard your income in case of illness or injury that prevents you from practicing. However, this indispensable tool may come at a higher cost for women physicians due to gender-based pricing differences.

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Strategies for Success in Locum Tenens and Contracting Careers

11 May 2024

Physicians are discovering exciting opportunities in alternative career paths as the medical field evolves. Locum tenens and contracting roles stand out for their flexibility and increased earning potential, drawing in practitioners seeking greater freedom in their professional and personal lives.

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Comprehensive Disability Insurance Coverage: The Strategy of Stacking and Laddering

2 May 2024

As your career as a physician progresses, the need for a comprehensive income replacement strategy becomes greater. While you may have had enough coverage in the early stages, it may no longer suffice as your income has grown and your financial responsibilities have increased. This is where the strategy of "stacking" or "laddering" disability insurance policies can provide a cost-effective solution to enhance coverage without replacing existing policies.

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Life Insurance: Vital Security for Your Future

6 April 2024

Life insurance offers a lifeline to help protect your family’s financial future should something unexpectedly happen to you. When you consider the uncertainties of life, ensuring your family's financial stability becomes paramount.

TMA Insurance Trust offers a range of life insurance options designed to help meet your needs. We understand the importance of the crucial safety net that life insurance helps to provide.

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