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Protecting What Matters Most


Are You Satisfied with Your Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage?

6 October 2018

What a terrible feeling it is to be locked into an agreement when the terms do not suit your needs … and how much worse when those needs are related to your health. Over the past year, you may have found that your Medicare prescription drug coverage is not meeting your needs anymore. That is why it is so important to take action during the Medicare Annual Enrollment period.

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What If You Had A Personal Advisor To Help You With Medicare?

22 September 2018

Have you ever wished you had a personal connection to a trusted advisor in a particular field? Someone you could easily talk to, say, about your computer, your car, your finances, or maybe even your tennis swing? What if you could pick their brain absolutely free of charge?

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Texas Physicians Beware: Not All Advisors Have Your Best Interests at Heart

9 July 2016

As a physician, your income puts you in the top 5% of all Americans. Your earning potential makes you a target for every financial advisor and insurance agent in the business. However, not all advisors have your best interests at heart. Insurance advisors do not take a Hippocratic oath and even many well-intentioned agents do not understand the unique needs of physicians. As a result, some physicians end up without enough coverage in the areas they really need and too much of the types they don’t need. How can you be sure if an agent is recommending what is really best for you?

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How to Set & Meet Financial Priorities At Any Age

27 April 2016

Physicians are among the highest earners, but many don’t feel like it. Having already managed large debt burdens on compressed budgets by the time they pay off their student loans and build up to a sizeable income, many physicians learn the value of setting financial goals and seeking professional advice early on.

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8 Alarming Trends for Physicians Nearing Retirement

8 October 2015

As retirement age approaches, many physicians begin thinking about whether to retire early or continue working, full- or part-time. Many who choose the former are responding to changes in the healthcare system.

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Did you know an HSA Can Function as Both a Traditional IRA & Roth IRA?

16 May 2015
Sometimes described as America’s ultimate retirement account, you may not be aware that your health savings account, or HSA, can also be one of the best places to store your retirement funds. With a recent Fidelity Investment study showing that the average person needs $220,000 for medical expenses as they enter retirement, a health savings account can work to your advantage when you are ready to retire.
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Retiring Physicians & Life Insurance: 6 Reasons to Keep It

2 May 2015

You are about to retire from a long career in your practice, your children are self-supporting and you have paid off your house. That leaves no reason to continue carrying a life insurance policy, right?

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5 Steps Physicians Can Take Towards a Successful Retirement

6 April 2015

Whether you recently finished medical residency or are an established Texas physician, it is never too early to begin thinking about retirement and discussing your future with a financial advisor. While carefree days spent traveling, volunteering or golfing in Florida may seem far off, they become a reality once you have a plan in place. Having an open dialogue and honest conversation about how you envision retirement enables you and your advisor to map out a plan and schedule routine, follow-up visits to ensure you are staying on the right path.

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