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Plan Ahead for Safe Travels

You may travel for business; other times for pleasure: a medical conference, family vacation, or holiday trip across the country. You prepare ahead of time, packing your bags and checking itineraries, thinking of both your comfort and safety. You know a well-thought-out trip is more likely to go smoothly.

If a medical emergency arises while you or your family are away from home, one of the biggest priorities suddenly becomes clear: you must get home quickly to your loved ones and the medical team you trust. Now, with Medjet Assist through TMA Insurance Trust, this is possible. What is more, TMA Members can benefit from an exclusive discount arranged for you by TMA Insurance Trust.

Home Again, Quickly

As a physician, you know that not all hospitals abroad adhere to the same standard. Even within the United States, quality of care varies considerably from one medical center to another. If you are abroad, the variance in quality of care may be even more concerning. What if a family member was injured in a fall or vehicle crash? If the nearest medical center as the only option, you may find your loved one in a substandard facility, dealing with a language gap between yourself and the medical staff. Will you feel confident in this situation?

Choose instead to be in control. With Medjet Assist, if you or another family member becomes hospitalized more than 150 miles from your home, air transport will be arranged to the hospital of your choice - whether you choose a hospital near your home or another facility that you feel would provide the best experience and standard of care.

Click here or call 800-527-7478 and refer to Texas Medical Association Insurance Trust

Be In Full Control of Your Choices

Other travel insurance covers medical transport - but most likely only to the nearest healthcare facility. You can arrange for a transfer, but only if the attending physician deems the transfer “medically necessary.” With most travel insurance, you are forced to rely on the attending physician’s assessment.

This is how Medjet Assist truly rises above and beyond other travel benefits: you are in full control of the decision. If your loved one suffers, you choose when and where to transport them so they get the best possible medical support - right away.

Fast Response, Comforting Support

Medjet Assist has access to more than 250 private air ambulances staffed with highly qualified pilots and specially trained emergency medical personnel, ready to launch at a moment’s notice. Along the way, you can benefit from many support services. Medjet Assist’s medical staff will establish and maintain communication with you and the respective medical centers until the situation is resolved. You can also receive free legal referrals, telephone interpretation services and toll free communication with relatives, friends and business associates.

Peace of Mind and a TMA Discount

With Medjet Assist, all expenses of the air transport are fully covered from bedside to bedside. You will not need to give a moment’s thought to dollar limits, deductibles, claim forms, co-pays or out-of-pocket expenses. So plan ahead - before your next trip, take advantage of this excellent coverage. A variety of plans are available - whether you want individual or family coverage, multi-year plans or plans as little as eight days. TMA members under the age of 75 have no restrictions on pre-existing conditions, and members up to age 85 can apply for coverage with a simple health questionnaire and statement from their physician.

The peace of mind from this plan is an important thing to "pack" so you can fully enjoy your travels.

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