When you operate a medical practice, certain insurance policies are a necessary expense. You’re paying for the insurance, but are you getting the best possible service to go along with it? Some small practice owners are paying for coverage, but get very little assistance from their insurance company.
Working with TMA Insurance Trust is different. With over 60 years serving only Texas physicians, we offer focused expertise and outstanding personalized service that will exceed your expectations.
Here are some of the types of insurance we offer to medical practices:
Group Benefits for Small Practices
If you currently offer group benefits including health, dental, life, disability, and/or accident insurance, TMA Insurance Trust can help you with your plan. When you contact an advisor, we can review your coverage and see if better options are available to you. After all, isn’t it wise to get a second opinion?
If you’re a practice owner who wants to offer group insurance benefits for the first time, our friendly and knowledgeable advisors are here for you whenever you need assistance. We help practice owners with group benefits all year long. Our goal is to help you improve your coverage and get the support you need. We take much of the service burden off of your practice’s shoulders, saving you time and money.
Options for New Practices
Will you soon be opening a new practice? Then this is an exciting (but stressful) time. Let us help you make the right choices, as easily as possible.
All practice owners can benefit from the proper disability insurance policy. If you become sick or injured and can’t work, you’ll want to have personal disability insurance in place, and have a coverage amount that adequately covers your expenses.
But how will your practice fare if you aren’t able to work? A Business Overhead Expense (BOE) insurance policy can help keep things running smoothly for your practice while you recuperate. Use the benefits for practical needs, like paying monthly expenses and reimbursing a locum tenens physician to provide for your patients while you’re away. BOE insurance offers financial protection for your business so your personal disability insurance policy can do what it’s meant to do: take care of your family’s financial needs.
If your practice has multiple partners, an advisor can help you talk about options for life insurance to protect any surviving partners’ ownership interests if one of the partners should pass away.
Helping Practice Owners Succeed
Running your own business is very demanding and time consuming. We know that physicians have better things to do than shop for insurance benefits! When you call TMA Insurance Trust, our advisors will thoroughly examine and compare plans, then present options and information that are best for your personal situation. This gives you time to focus on your practice.
Taking care of your patients’ health is what you do best. Taking care of Texas physicians’ insurance needs is what we do best.
But even more than that, our advisors support you throughout the year. We provide a host of services that take the burden of group benefits management off your shoulders. We can help your staff enroll in group health insurance, make sure they all receive insurance cards, and keep an eye on any changes that may occur throughout the year to keep you and your staff up-to-date.
Are you ready to get the coverage and service you deserve? Talk to an advisor today.
For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.