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Protecting What Matters Most


Help Protect Your Income from Accidental Injuries

15 January 2022

A dislocated shoulder from a fall during a hike, a broken ankle during a football game-–as a physician, you’re familiar with how to physically treat these kinds of injuries. But are you prepared financially if they happen to you or someone in your family? Your health insurance will cover a good portion of your medical bills, but additional medical and non-medical expenses can accumulate quickly. Accident insurance covers medical and non-medical expenses to help bridge the gap between your health insurance and these additional out of pocket expenses. A cash benefit is paid directly to you upon diagnosis of a covered, accidental injury.

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Texas Physicians Beware: Not All Advisors Have Your Best Interests at Heart

9 July 2016

As a physician, your income puts you in the top 5% of all Americans. Your earning potential makes you a target for every financial advisor and insurance agent in the business. However, not all advisors have your best interests at heart. Insurance advisors do not take a Hippocratic oath and even many well-intentioned agents do not understand the unique needs of physicians. As a result, some physicians end up without enough coverage in the areas they really need and too much of the types they don’t need. How can you be sure if an agent is recommending what is really best for you?

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Is Long-Term Disability Insurance Worth It?

25 April 2016

There’s an old episode of “The X-Files” in which insurance salesman Clyde Bruckman, played by Peter Boyle of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” sits with a young couple at their kitchen table trying to sell them an insurance policy.

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