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Accessible and Affordable TMA Member Disability Insurance for Women Physicians

25 May 2024

Insurance is a fundamental tool for protecting what matters most in our daily lives and careers. Disability insurance, in particular, is essential to help safeguard your income in case of illness or injury that prevents you from practicing. However, this indispensable tool may come at a higher cost for women physicians due to gender-based pricing differences.

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Physicians: 3 Key Factors to Help Safeguard Your Income

4 May 2024

Have you ever considered how well-protected your income is in the event of an unexpected illness or injury? As a physician, you're skilled at managing your finances, from savings and investments to retirement plans. However, one crucial aspect that many overlook is protecting your income with disability insurance. Discovering that your coverage falls short when you need it most is a situation best avoided. TMA Insurance Trust urges you to consider three essential factors that contribute to effectively safeguarding your income.

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Comprehensive Disability Insurance Coverage: The Strategy of Stacking and Laddering

2 May 2024

As your career as a physician progresses, the need for a comprehensive income replacement strategy becomes greater. While you may have had enough coverage in the early stages, it may no longer suffice as your income has grown and your financial responsibilities have increased. This is where the strategy of "stacking" or "laddering" disability insurance policies can provide a cost-effective solution to enhance coverage without replacing existing policies.

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Get Optimal Coverage and Control Costs with Special Group Health Options

27 April 2024

Managing a medical practice, whether with a team or independently, requires careful attention to costs without sacrificing quality care. One of the most significant expenses for physicians is health insurance. Finding affordable yet comprehensive coverage can be challenging, but TMA Insurance Trust is dedicated to helping you control costs without compromising coverage. We aim to assist you in efficiently managing your practice's healthcare while you focus on giving your patients the care they deserve.

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Help Safeguard Your Practice from Operational Setbacks

20 April 2024

As a practice owner, you chose independence because it allows you to provide the best care for your patients, on your terms. Your practice is a testament to your dedication and hard work. However, life is unpredictable, and a personal injury or illness can disrupt even the most well-established practices. This is why it's crucial to prepare and protect your practice against such disruptions.

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Life Insurance: Vital Security for Your Future

6 April 2024

Life insurance offers a lifeline to help protect your family’s financial future should something unexpectedly happen to you. When you consider the uncertainties of life, ensuring your family's financial stability becomes paramount.

TMA Insurance Trust offers a range of life insurance options designed to help meet your needs. We understand the importance of the crucial safety net that life insurance helps to provide.

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Medicare Coverage When Working Past 65

23 March 2024

If you enjoy practicing medicine and value the relationships you've built over the years, you may not be ready to retire as you approach your 65th birthday. Planning to continue working requires a thorough understanding of your Medicare options in order to avoid costly mistakes that could permanently affect your finances. TMA Insurance Trust is here to expertly guide you through this significant decision-making process, ensuring you make informed choices without incurring unnecessary and ongoing penalties.

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Group Health Insurance Coverage Solutions for Owners and Independents

23 March 2024

While physicians are experts in diagnosing and treating patients, TMA Insurance Trust's expertise lies in navigating the complexities of insurance. We dedicate ourselves to helping you safeguard your practice and yourself against financial challenges. Group health insurance is a vital tool in ensuring the stability and security of your practice, providing essential financial protection for yourself and your team. In addition, we may be able to help you secure group PPO coverage for just yourself and your family.

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