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Disability Insurance Myths Every Physician Should Know About

13 May 2023

No physician likes to think that a serious illness or tragedy could happen to them at any moment. But if it does, a greater tragedy would be not being prepared. Your livelihood may be affected if you are too sick or injured to practice and your income stops.

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Help Prevent the Risk of Financial Hardship with Disability Insurance

4 May 2023

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin’s wise proverb is one you likely reiterate to your patients in some form. As a physician, you understand that taking preventive measures to protect against illness or disease is far better than spending time and resources addressing a medical issue after it has already occurred.

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Are There Hidden Risks In Your Employer's Disability Insurance Plan?

8 April 2023

Many physicians employed by a medical center, research facility, or large practice may receive benefits from their employer. That can bring a sense of security, knowing that your basic insurance needs are covered. This is especially true when you believe your income is protected with employer provided disability insurance benefits. However, this article will point out that there may be hidden risks, so your sense of security may not be well founded.

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Young Physicians: Get Extra Years Of Disability Coverage At No Extra Cost

3 March 2023

If you’re a young physician or resident, ask yourself this: What if you had an opportunity to invest in a company, knowing that in the years ahead its stock price would rise significantly? Or to purchase a home knowing its market value was certain to increase substantially?

Would you make that investment? Very likely you would.

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Help Protect More Of Your Income, Save Up To 30% – Get A Quote Now

21 January 2023

No one wants to think about the possibility of becoming disabled – until the unthinkable happens. It might be a sudden injury, or an unanticipated illness. But regrettably it can happen to anyone, physicians included.

And if that injury or illness prevented you from working, you would likely find that your income would quickly diminish and your finances could be seriously threatened. Would you be prepared for that?

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Practice Owners: Save 25-40% Permanently on a Guardian Disability Plan

30 July 2022

You’re a practice owner and you’ve invested an incredible amount of time and energy to get where you are. Nobody knows this better than you. 

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Save Up To 30% Permanently On Own-Occ Disability Insurance

25 June 2022

How many times have you heard: Income protection is vital for every physician. 

Probably often enough that you may have tuned it out by now. But here are a few facts that could reinforce just how important it really is to have a good income protection strategy – especially if you’re in the early stages of your career.

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More Affordable Disability Insurance For Women Physicians

27 May 2022

As a woman physician, one of your biggest allies in helping to keep your financial foundation secure is disability insurance. However, the cost of disability insurance may be a barrier that’s kept you from obtaining this necessary coverage. Premium rates for individual long-term disability insurance policies are typically 40-50% higher for women than for men. If you do have disability insurance, your coverage may have severe limitations you’re not aware of. 

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