Most people know that insurance is there to help protect what’s important in our personal and professional lives. But as a woman physician what you might not know is that the pricing for certain kinds of insurance can be different for women than it is for men.
That’s because in many cases, premiums for insurance products are based on the gender of the person seeking coverage. And often, women bear higher costs because they represent greater risk to insurance companies.
Women Physicians Should Know About These Plans
At TMA Insurance Trust we think it’s imperative that women physicians get vital coverage at a cost they can afford. So we want you to know about insurance options where pricing for women is equal to – or even lower than – what it is for men.
Did You Know...Women Physicians Can Save on Two Top Disability Plans?
Disability insurance is essential because it helps replace income if you are too ill or injured to work. However, women typically pay 40% to 50% more for individual disability insurance * – compared to what a man would pay. Here are two plans offered through TMA Insurance Trust where women may save considerably on disability coverage:
- The TMA Member Long Term Disability Plan offers the same member rates for men as for women (unisex rates). That could save a woman physician 40% to 50% on premiums – compared to an individual plan. We also offer members 25% savings on the member rate* as a way of saying “Thank You” to TMA members. This plan is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a nationally known insurance company.

- Another option is a plan from Guardian, a leader in own-occupation disability insurance. It offers unisex rates for women practice owners when at least three policies are secured – one for a practice owner and two other employees. The net effect is that the owner can get an individual policy with savings up to 40% – which can result in a lower cost for all three policies than what she would pay if she purchased an individual policy without covering two others on her staff.

Did You Know...Women Physicians Have the Same Rates as Men on Business Overhead Expense (BOE) Insurance?
Business Overhead Expense insurance is like disability insurance – except it provides income for your practice when you are too sick or injured to treat patients. When it comes to most disability income insurance plans, women tend to pay more due to complications from pregnancy. However, TMA Insurance Trust has designed our member plan to offer the same affordable member rates to men and women. Practice owners need to consider what would happen to their practice, patients, and staff if they could not work. How would salaries be covered, patients be retained, and ongoing bills get paid? How would the practice remain viable while the owner recovers?
- The TMA Member Business Overhead Expense Insurance Plan can help cover the costs of running a practice by providing up to $50,000 a month if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. And it features lower unisex premium rates when compared to competing plans. It is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America.

Did You Know...Women Physicians Can Pay Less For Life Insurance Than Men?
Yes, life insurance can cost less for women. That’s because women have longer life expectancies compared to men.
Life insurance is important because it provides funds to help your family carry on when you are no longer there – without risking your household finances, family home, investments, or savings. We work with leading term life insurance carriers to help physicians get coverage for virtually any amount they require. We also offer an exclusive member plan with affordable rates and a simple application process.
- TMA members under age 45 can apply online and get an instant decision for quotes up to $750,000 and members under age 60 can apply for quotes up to $2,000,000 by answering a few health questions. (This online option is only for members.)

Don’t pay more than you need to for vital insurance coverage. To find plans that offer women physicians the same or lower rates than men, click the link below. Or call us directly at 800-880-8181 Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 CST.

For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.