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Medicare Coverage When Working Past 65

23 March 2024

If you enjoy practicing medicine and value the relationships you've built over the years, you may not be ready to retire as you approach your 65th birthday. Planning to continue working requires a thorough understanding of your Medicare options in order to avoid costly mistakes that could permanently affect your finances. TMA Insurance Trust is here to expertly guide you through this significant decision-making process, ensuring you make informed choices without incurring unnecessary and ongoing penalties.

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Group Health Insurance Coverage Solutions for Owners and Independents

23 March 2024

While physicians are experts in diagnosing and treating patients, TMA Insurance Trust's expertise lies in navigating the complexities of insurance. We dedicate ourselves to helping you safeguard your practice and yourself against financial challenges. Group health insurance is a vital tool in ensuring the stability and security of your practice, providing essential financial protection for yourself and your team. In addition, we may be able to help you secure group PPO coverage for just yourself and your family.

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Long-Term Disability Insurance: Top 8 Reasons To Take A Closer Look

16 March 2024

As a physician, you recognize the importance of protecting your income and securing financial stability for yourself and your loved ones. Disability insurance is a crucial part of this protection. By being a TMA member, you gain the opportunity to help safeguard your income with a benefit of up to $5,000/month without the need for income verification. However, with full underwriting, members can get up to $15,000/month. These benefits are paid regardless of any other coverage you may have.

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Is Inflation Eating Away the Value of Your Life Insurance?

16 March 2024

Like many people, it may have been years since you last took out a life insurance policy. Most people buy life insurance when they first get married or start a family. They file the policy away with their important papers and usually don’t give it a second thought. But with the rise of inflation, it may be time to take another look at your policy.

You buy life insurance to keep your family financially secure. However inflation could silently be eroding much of that security and leaving your family with less protection than you intended.

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TMA Member Short Term Disability: Guaranteed Acceptance For Coverage Up To $6,000 a Month

7 March 2024

Protecting your financial future is imperative, especially for residents and young physicians navigating the complexities of medical training, career advancement, and personal milestones. Managing student loans and everyday expenses may cause financial strain and worry during this busy time. It's crucial to have a plan to help safeguard against the loss of income and depletion of savings that can result from an unexpected injury or illness. Additionally, if you are planning to start a family, prepping for the financial impact of that joyous event is just as vital as prepping your nursery.

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Secure Your Financial Legacy with Life Insurance

2 March 2024

As a Texas physician, your dedication to the practice of medicine is unwavering. But what if the future you’ve worked so hard to build is suddenly thrown into uncertainty? Recent times have reminded us how quickly life can change, often catching us off guard. That's why it's crucial to have a plan in place to protect your family. TMA Insurance Trust collaborates with leading carriers in Texas to help you secure life insurance—a practical solution offering an extra layer of financial support during tough times for your loved ones. This ensures that your family’s dreams and aspirations can still be realized, even in your absence.

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Securing Your Health Coverage in Retirement

24 February 2024

The right health insurance coverage is the linchpin of a secure retirement. Whether you're nearing 65 or have surpassed that milestone, understanding how Medicare plans can work for you is crucial for safeguarding your finances in retirement. TMA Insurance Trust deeply understands the unique challenges physicians encounter in securing appropriate coverage during this transition. If you're on the brink of losing traditional group health insurance or are already enrolled in Medicare, you may encounter gaps in coverage for medical bills and prescription medicines. This is where Medicare Supplement and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans become indispensable.

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TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance Guarantees $20,000 of Coverage: Enroll by March 1st

17 February 2024

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises; some pleasant, and others not. The abrupt and unexpected diagnosis of a critical illness falls into the latter category. It goes beyond threatening your health and disrupting your daily routines; your family's financial security is also at risk. Taking proactive measures becomes imperative.

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