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Health Insurance Gaps: Help Protect Yourself From a Financial Disaster

1 February 2020

Even for those who have health insurance, a serious illness can bring serious financial problems, as the following statistic shows:

Among Americans who have health insurance, one in five have had serious financial challenges in the past year because of medical bills.*

The message is clear: health insurance can leave a serious coverage gap. How can you help protect your finances? Let us help you find one way: starting February 1, TMA Insurance Trust is offering members under age 65 guaranteed acceptance for $20,000 coverage of TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance.

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Is There A “Critical Illness Gap” In Your Health Insurance?

25 January 2020
Get $20,000 Of Critical Illness Insurance – With
Guaranteed Acceptance


Physicians are like everyone else in at least one respect – no one is immune to the possibility of a serious illness.

Every year, 720,000 Americans have a heart attack.1 Every 40 seconds a stroke occurs.2 And in the United States, the risk of developing cancer is 1 in 3 for both men and women.3

And here is another sobering thought: With the higher deductibles, copays and coverage limits of many of today’s health insurance plans, it’s very likely that your primary health insurance will not cover all the expenses related to a prolonged serious illness.

That is why we are offering TMA members guaranteed acceptance for $20,000 of critical illness insurance.

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Have a Helping Hand During a Serious Illness

13 April 2019

Most physicians carry health and disability insurance. But if a serious, potentially life-threatening illness were to strike, will your finances be adequately protected? Health insurance will cover some medical costs, and a disability policy will cover some of your lost salary. How could Critical Illness insurance help you in these circumstances? By paying a lump sum benefit of up to $250,000 when you're diagnosed with a serious, life-altering condition. Find out more about this coverage and how it can help you.

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Could Your Finances Survive a Critical Illness?

12 January 2019

Surviving a serious illness can be one of the biggest challenges of our life. It can consume most of our physical, mental and emotional strength. If we are lucky, we have support systems in place – with friends, colleagues and family members – to help us through.

But what about financial support? Have you thought about what might happen to your finances in the event of a serious illness? Have you given any thought to critical illness insurance?

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Critical Illness Insurance: Benefits in Your Hands

18 August 2018

Serious illness can strike at anytime, to anyone. As you are keenly aware, with recent medical advances, certain diseases that once were thought to be incurable are now survivable. Yet, surviving physically may leave you with another serious issue: How will you survive financially?

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Must-Know Facts About Supplemental Coverage for Physicians

13 July 2015

As a physician, you are well aware of the benefits of traditionally-known insurance types, such as standard health, life and disability. While these plans are crucial in terms of protection, what if you prefer covering high deductible costs, out-of-pocket expenses your regular insurance plan does not cover, or suddenly face a critical illness that will require having extra cash on hand? When these life events arise, you can protect yourself and your family with an extra level of defense provided by a supplemental insurance plan.

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A Deeper Look at What Voluntary Benefits Can Do For Your Practice

3 June 2015
As a successful Texas physician with a thriving practice, you need top talent to keep your business running smoothly. Did you know that by offering voluntary benefits, you could do just that? Over the past few years, voluntary benefits have been popular with both physicians and employers alike for attracting quality talent and retaining essential staff members. In a survey conducted by Towers Watson in 2013, research found that the importance of voluntary benefits will grow by 27% in the next five years.
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For Stroke Awareness Month, Consider Critical Illness Insurance

21 May 2015

With 800,000 strokes occurring in the United States each year according to the CDC, it’s quite necessary to dedicate an entire month to stroke awareness and education. In fact, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the U.S., earning it the fifth spot in leading causes of death.

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