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Help Protect Your Financial Health with $20,000 of TMA Critical Illness Insurance

12 February 2022

As a physician, you most likely think more about caring for a patient than becoming one. It can be difficult to shift perspective and think about your own care and what you would do in the event of a serious illness. TMA Insurance Trust understands that. That’s why we’re making a special effort to inform you about the TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance Plan, issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America. TMA members under the age of 65 are guaranteed acceptance for $20,000 of TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance.

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Guaranteed Acceptance for $20,000 of TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance for Members Under Age 65

5 February 2022

Whether you work in a hospital or in an office setting, you no doubt recognize the benefits of collaborating with specialized medical professionals. No one physician can do it all, instead you work together to provide the best possible care to your patients. The same applies to insurance. Your comprehensive health insurance is vital to maintaining your health–but it can’t do it all. If you become seriously ill, high deductibles, copays and maximum benefit limits can quickly cause financial strain during an already stressful time.

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Guaranteed Acceptance for $20,000 of TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance Until February 25th

29 January 2022

The pandemic has been a sobering reminder that sudden, serious illness doesn’t discriminate. A serious illness can impact a family physically and emotionally–but also financially. How secure would your finances be if you or a family member were diagnosed with a critical illness?

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Guaranteed Acceptance Ends Soon!

20 February 2021

If you or someone you love are diagnosed with a serious illness, you must make important decisions with great urgency. And when a life is on the line, you are likely not thinking of the financial impact of the decisions you make. You would use all your resources to create a plan with the best outcome, no matter the cost. And those costs would accumulate quickly.

At times like these, additional funds to cover whatever needs you have would be most welcome. That is exactly what critical illness insurance provides.

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Limited Time: Guaranteed Acceptance for Critical Illness Insurance

13 February 2021

Although we never want to believe that we could become severely ill, as a physician, you know that it happens to the best of people. A serious illness can leave the patient and their family reeling; not just emotionally, but also financially.

If you should become seriously ill, Critical Illness insurance can help relieve the financial burden and support your healing. Because our mission is to help protect Texas physicians, TMA Insurance Trust is providing members with Guaranteed Acceptance for $20,000 of TMA Member Critical Illness insurance, now through March 12.*

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Your Health Comes With No Guarantees – But This Coverage Does

23 January 2021
*Get $20,000 Of Critical Illness Insurance – With
Guaranteed Acceptance


How many times have you heard it said: In life there are few guarantees.

As a physician you know this is especially true when it comes to our health. Like everyone else, we all face the possibility that one day we may have to confront a serious illness in our own life.

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Last Chance – Your Guaranteed Acceptance For $20,000 of Critical Illness Insurance Ends March 31st

21 March 2020

If you were diagnosed with a critical illness, you know that decisions would have to be made with a high degree of urgency.

At that time, you would not be thinking about the financial implications of your condition. You would likely use all the resources at your command to establish a treatment plan for the best possible outcome.

But soon it would be clear that you could face a staggering amount of expenses – both medical and non-medical. That is when the value of critical illness insurance can be most appreciated.

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Do You Really Know the Cost of Being Seriously Ill?

22 February 2020

As a physician, you understand how important it is to carry comprehensive health insurance. But when you are faced with a critical illness, your health insurance - though important - could still leave you with coverage gaps that may leave you financially vulnerable.

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