Of all the insurance you will likely obtain throughout your career and lifetime, life insurance stands apart. It is one of the easiest types of coverage to secure, while also providing a maximum amount of financial protection and added peace of mind to you and your family.
In these uncertain times, it’s not just smart planning to have a life insurance policy in place–it’s essential. For TMA Members, it’s never been easier to apply.
We Keep Life Insurance Application Simple
Acquiring term life insurance is a simple, straightforward process. There are no additional savings or investments added onto the coverage–it’s purely life insurance–so your policy is more affordable and less complicated than any other type of insurance. TMA Insurance Trust makes it even more simple for TMA Members. As a member, you now have the ability to apply online for TMA Member Term Life insurance coverage. Members under 45 can apply for up to $750,000 and get an instant decision no questions asked. Members under age 60 can apply for up to $2,000,000 with simplified underwriting.
If you have any questions, you can have one of our dedicated life insurance advisors assist you by filling in the form below, or by calling 800-880-8181, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, CST.
Once you’re approved, your family is immediately protected by the full lump sum, tax-free benefit. In just a few minutes, you can get your coverage and contribute to your family’s future financial stability.
Coverage That Makes Financial Sense
Few financial products that provide immediate protection are as affordable as life insurance. Its affordability allows you to make sure your family is more fully protected by insuring both yourself and your spouse or partner. Even if your spouse doesn’t work outside of the home, their contribution to the family is significant and would be difficult to replace. Make sure your life insurance coverage includes policies for both of you.
Should you or your insured spouse be diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy under six months, the Accelerated Benefit Option allows you to receive half of your life insurance coverage amount (up to $250,000) while you are still living. This provision can help ease financial stress during a difficult time. There are no restrictions to how you use it–cover medical expenses, travel, or family expenses. The remainder is paid out to your beneficiaries as a death benefit.
Older Physicians Have Life Insurance Options Too
If you secured a life insurance policy years ago, the level of protection it provides has likely decreased due to the effects of inflation. You may think that you’ve aged out of being able to apply for more life insurance. TMA Insurance Trust wants as many physicians as possible to have access to this essential insurance protection. That’s why we offer physicians in their 70’s the option of a ten-year level term policy, with some underwriting required. This option could allow you to supplement your current life insurance policy or use it to cushion the financial impact of estate taxes. Call an advisor at the number above to discuss all of the options available to you.
Your Needs, Our Priority
At TMA Insurance Trust, we work with multiple carriers to provide you with the best possible insurance solution. We are committed to helping you navigate your options and giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision. Our advisors do not make sales-based commissions so their guidance and suggestions are based solely on your unique situation and insurance needs.
Call or click today to get dedicated, personalized assistance to help protect what matters most.
For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.