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Accident Insurance – It Helps Pay for What Your Health Insurance Doesn’t

First there was the seatbelt. It was considered essential protection in the event of an automobile accident. Then came the air bag – an advancement that offered added protection from bodily injury in a collision.

Today virtually every car on the road has both kinds of protection – each working to complement the safety benefits of the other.

As we turn the corner on a new year, it’s likely that you have finalized your health insurance decisions for yourself and your family. But with the higher deductibles, copays and coverage limits of most health insurance plans today, many of our clients are choosing to supplement their primary coverage with an additional kind of protection – accident insurance.

Accidents Can Be Expensive

In the United States, every 7 seconds a disabling injury is caused by a motor vehicle crash.*

A serious accident can cause more than physical pain. If you have an accident, some of your medical bills might be covered by your health insurance – but unexpected accident-related expenses can end up becoming a financial burden.

Deductibles, copays, out-of-network charges, and travel costs to see a specialist can add up very quickly. Your finances can be further depleted if you or your spouse is unable to work.

A Plan That Pays a Cash Benefit

The TMA Member Accident Insurance Plan issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America can be a valuable supplement to your family’s primary health insurance coverage – especially if your health insurance has high out-of-pocket costs.

Have questions about your insurance needs? We're here to help - click here or call today
800-880-8181 7:30 – 5:30 CST Monday – Friday

Use it to Help Pay Unexpected Expenses

If you or a family member has a covered accident – in the backyard, on the road, or on the playing field – it pays a lump sum cash benefit directly to you. And you can use it any way you choose. For example, it can help pay for:

  • Prescription medications
  • Transportation to a rehabilitation facility
  • Additional child care
  • A new bed or comfortable chair to recuperate in
  • Unforeseen out-of-pocket medical and non-medical expenses

Cover Your Children

If you have children, this added coverage can be especially valuable. Each time a child races down a soccer field, steps up to home plate or the line of scrimmage, there is the risk of injury.

Hospital emergency rooms see a steady stream of children treated for sports-related injuries. According to Texas Children’s Hospital, the most common sports injuries are dislocated shoulders, ACL tears, concussions, fractures and sprains.**

If your family enjoys an active lifestyle, or your child plays on a sports team at school, The TMA Member Accident Insurance Plan can make sense for all family members.

Receive Payment Quickly

The TMA Member Accident Insurance Plan covers bone fractures, joint dislocations, inpatient or outpatient hospital visits, dental or eye injuries, burns, and much more.

And unlike other plans, payments are made based on diagnosis – so there’s no need to undergo treatment or provide proof of any expenses before you receive payment. You’ll have “cash in hand” to help cover many of your accident-related expenses as they arise.

TMA Members under age 65 are eligible to enroll, along with their dependent spouse or domestic partner under age 65 and their dependent child or children under age 26.

Call Us Or Enroll Easily Online Now

If you have any questions, we invite you to consult with our experienced advisors. As always, they do not earn sales-based commissions – so you will never feel any obligation or sales pressure. Their singular mission is to help you find the plan that works for you.

You can reach an advisor at 1-800-880-8181, 7:30 am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday CST.

We’ve also made it easy to enroll online in a matter of minutes. Get started right now by clicking below.

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For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.

Speak with a TMA Insurance Trust Advisor:

*National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2015 Ed.
This coverage is not health insurance coverage (often referred to as "Major Medical Coverage").
This type of plan is NOT considered "minimum essential coverage" under the Affordable Care Act and therefore does NOT satisfy the individual mandate that you have health insurance coverage.
Group Accident Insurance coverage is a limited benefit policy issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. Prudential's Accident Insurance is not a substitute for medical coverage that provides benefits for medical treatment, including hospital, surgical and medical expenses and does not provide reimbursement for such expenses. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions which may apply. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the Booklet-Certificate/Group Contract issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, the Group Contract will govern. Please contact Prudential for more information. Contract provisions may vary by state. Contract Series: 83500.

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