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Add As You Grow – a Life Insurance Strategy For Young Physicians

Wash the car. Clean out the attic. Sort through expenses for your income tax.

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating about doing certain tasks? It’s normal to put off some tasks – especially if they seem like they’re not on a pressing timetable. It’s what we all do to some extent or another.

But if you’re a younger physician, there’s one thing you may not want to put off – giving your family the security and protection of life insurance.

Protecting Your Family Should Be a Priority

One reason younger physicians may procrastinate about life insurance is because life right now can be hectic.

Marriage, starting a family, getting established in the medical community – all these are time-consuming. So it’s easy to think you’ll get to it eventually – when your salary grows or after you get your student loans under control.

Another reason you may postpone getting life insurance is the concern that it’s too expensive.

Get Coverage You Can Afford

Younger physicians are often told they need a lot of coverage – because of their high earning potential. The thinking is that down the road your income will grow – along with your family’s living expenses. So younger physicians may be encouraged to purchase a larger policy – with a higher amount of coverage – to account for the financial needs of their family in the future.

The problem is that a plan with more coverage can indeed be more expensive. What if you can’t afford – or don’t want to pay for – a more expensive policy at this stage of your career, when your budget may already be stretched thin?

There is, fortunately, another option.

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800-880-8181 8:00 – 5:00 CST Monday – Friday

Get Protection Now – Add More Coverage Later

What if you could get a plan that you could afford now, with the option to add more coverage later – at any time throughout your career?

This concept is called Add As You Grow and it works just as it sounds. If you’re a young physician, you can purchase the coverage you can afford today – and add more as your family, your income and your financial responsibilities grow down the road.

Having a plan that helps protect your family now is certainly better than having no plan at all.

A Plan That’s Easy to Apply For

We’ve made it convenient to get coverage that can work for you today as well as in the future. TMA members can apply for the TMA Member Term Life Insurance Plan issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America.

You can apply online 24/7/365 with a streamlined application process. When you need more coverage, you can go online and apply to obtain more.

  • Members under age 45 can apply online for up to $750,000 of TMA Member Term Life and an approval decision can be made in minutes right after you apply.
  • Members under age 60 can apply for up to $2,000,000 of coverage with simplified underwriting.

Note: the online option is only available to TMA members.

Apply Online

If you need more coverage, you can apply for more coverage by contacting one of our knowledgeable advisors.

No “Wrong” Decisions – No Worries

Our goal is to take the worry out of applying for life insurance. You won’t make a “wrong” decision because you can always apply to add more coverage later when you have more funds – and more to protect.

If you wish to speak with an advisor, our licensed agents are here and ready to help. You don’t have to face questions and concerns about life insurance alone.

Get More Options – Call Now

If you want to explore additional options – or you’re not a TMA member – we work with highly rated life insurance carriers and can help with your life insurance needs as well, all at no cost or obligation.

Our advisors do not work for sales-based commissions so you will never find any pressure or obligation. Click below to contact an agent or feel free to call us at 800-880-8181, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CST Monday to Friday.

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For over 60 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.

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Speak with a TMA Insurance Trust Advisor:

TMA Member Term Life coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations and restrictions, which may apply. Contract Series 83500


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