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The Clock is Ticking to Make Health Insurance Choices

27 October 2018

Health Insurance Open Enrollment has begun and is only open for a brief time: until December 15. Now is the time for Texas physicians to make important health insurance decisions for themselves, their families, and any of their practice staff. TMA Insurance Trust advisors are ready to help you find the right group coverage and assist you with health insurance enrollment before the deadline.

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4 Tips for Saving on Group Health Benefits for Your Medical Practice Staff

7 May 2015

With the new Affordable Care Act Employer Mandate, companies with 50 or more employees are obligated to offer group health benefits. However, many smaller medical practices are also opting to offer healthcare benefits for their staff. This could be due to recent compelling statistics that show a direct correlation between quality benefits and employee retention.

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HSA, HRA, FSA: How Do They Benefit Your Medical Practice?

22 April 2015

Healthcare is one of the most expensive benefits you can offer employees. As a medical practice, employees often assume they will receive healthcare benefits.

However, health care comes at a cost. According to Kaiser Family Foundation survey, the average annual cost of a single premium per enrolled employee for employer-based health insurance in Texas is a total of $5,386, with an employer contribution of $4,251.

That’s a pretty sizable amount of money to be spending towards health insurance alone. So how can you spend less on health insurance, but still have quality coverage? By leveraging the benefits of HSA, HRA and FSA.

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Helpful Tips for Choosing a Group Health Plan for Your Medical Practice

19 February 2015

As a Texas physician, owning a medical practice not only offers the opportunity to help heal patients, but it also gives you a chance to run your own business. While owning a practice is both exciting and rewarding, it does come with a related set of challenges such as operating expenses. One of the greatest operating expenses your practice will endure is providing group insurance and/or health benefits for your employees.

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