The unexpected nature of illness is in the numbers; every 40 seconds, someone in the United States experiences a myocardial infarction.¹ In 2022 alone, nearly 1.9 million new cancer cases were diagnosed nationwide,² with 139,320 of those cases projected to occur in Texas.³ These statistics represent individuals facing health battles and daunting economic setbacks.
As a physician, you witness firsthand the stories behind the numbers and grasp, more than most, the emotional weight and financial strains a diagnosis of a critical illness can bring. Primary health insurance serves as a shield against routine medical expenses. However, when confronted with a severe illness, it won’t cover all the medical and non-medical costs that often follow when a critical illness diagnosis is confirmed. TMA Insurance Trust has created a solution - the TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance plan. This plan was designed to complement your existing health coverage and provide an extra layer of financial protection.
Until March 1st, 2024, TMA members under 65 are guaranteed acceptance for $20,000 in coverage, and when the member enrolls, guaranteed acceptance extends to spouses who enroll for $10,000 of coverage-no questions asked. Benefits are paid directly when a diagnosis is confirmed.
Benefits Beyond Health Insurance
While seeking more affordable health coverage today, many choose plans with higher deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. Yet, when confronted with a severe illness, this can mean significant healthcare expenses. Additionally, such plans tend to overlook the potential loss of income. This is where TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance steps in as a complement to your primary health coverage. This comprehensive plan offers benefits tailored specifically to help protect your financial health.
- Guaranteed acceptance for $20,000 of coverage for TMA members under age 65.
- Guaranteed acceptance for $10,000 of coverage for the member’s spouse under age 65.
- No physical exam or medical questions to answer.
- A $20,000 lump sum is paid directly to you when diagnosed with a covered illness.
- No deductibles, co-pays, or co-insurance to worry about.
- Pays regardless of any other insurance you may have.
- Apply for more coverage - up to $250,000 of total coverage is available.
- As long as you’re a TMA member, coverage stays with you regardless of your employment situation.
- Ease of enrollment – you can enroll online or by contacting an advisor.
Seamless Enrollment for Peace of Mind
Ready to activate your coverage? Enrollment in TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance is easy and hassle-free. Click below to enroll online or contact one of our experienced and trusted advisors by calling toll-free Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, CST at 800-880-8181. Don’t let a critical illness diagnosis drain your hard-earned savings. Enroll by March 1, 2024 to get guaranteed acceptance. Gain greater peace of mind knowing you’re helping to increase your financial protection from the unexpected.
For over 65 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.