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TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance Guarantees $20,000 of Coverage: Enroll by March 1st

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises; some pleasant, and others not. The abrupt and unexpected diagnosis of a critical illness falls into the latter category. It goes beyond threatening your health and disrupting your daily routines; your family's financial security is also at risk. Taking proactive measures becomes imperative.

One such step is enrolling in the TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance plan. Enrolling by March 1st guarantees members under age 65 acceptance for $20,000 in coverage, no matter your current health status. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, you receive benefits directly. Whether helping cover deductibles, medical bills, or the loss of income, a cushion of $20,000 can help provide crucial support for yourself and your family during this challenging time.

Have questions about your insurance needs? We're here to help - click here or call today
800-880-8181 8:00 – 5:00 CST Monday – Friday

Help Protect Your Loved Ones: Include Your Spouse

Physicians face a demanding job in balancing the care of patients and the emotional and financial well-being of their families, especially when confronted with a serious illness. Recognizing this commitment, TMA Insurance Trust is offering this once-a-year opportunity. The TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance plan isn't just for you; once you enroll, your spouse or domestic partner under age 65 is eligible to enroll by March 1st, and they are guaranteed $10,000 in coverage, with no physical exams or medical questions asked.

Help Close the Gap with Critical Illness Insurance

Conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and cancer come at a high cost, with necessary medical treatments often exceeding routine care, resulting in significant out-of-pocket medical and non-medical expenses even after your primary health insurance coverage. TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance may act like a safety net, helping to close the gap and can provide the extra coverage needed. You can apply for more coverage; up to $250,000 is available. There are no hidden costs, no deductibles, copays, or coinsurance. And, as long as you remain a TMA member, your coverage remains in place regardless of any other insurance you have or any employment changes in the future.

Start Your Coverage Today

Starting your coverage with TMA Member Critical Illness Insurance is simple; either click the link below to enroll online or call an advisor at 800-880-8181, between 8 AM and 5 PM, CST, Monday through Friday. Enroll by March 1st, 2024 to get guaranteed acceptance for yourself and your spouse. Help equip yourself and your family to be better prepared for the financial challenges an unexpected critical illness diagnosis can bring.

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For over 65 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.

This coverage is not health insurance coverage (often referred to as “major medical coverage”).
Group Critical Illness Insurance coverage is a limited benefit policy issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. Prudential’s Critical Illness Insurance is not a substitute for medical coverage that provides benefits for medical treatment, including hospital, surgical and medical expenses and does not provide reimbursement for such expenses. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions which may apply. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the Booklet-Certificate/Group Contract issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, the Group Contract will govern. A more detailed description of the benefits, limitations, exclusions applicable are contained in the Outline of Coverage provided at time of enrollment. Please contact Prudential for more information. Contract provisions may vary by state. Contract Series: 114774.


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