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Navigating Storms: Secure Savings on Your Home and Auto Insurance

In recent years, Texas has experienced its fair share of extreme weather conditions, from high winds in the scorching summer to freezing temperatures in the unforgiving winter. These tumultuous weather patterns can leave your home and automobile vulnerable to damage. At TMA Insurance Trust, we understand the unique challenges physicians in Texas face when it comes to protecting your valuable assets. Our mission is to help you find insurance policies that not only help safeguard your investments but also save you money in the process.

You may assume that you are already saving on your insurance policies, but when was the last time you reviewed your coverage? Given your busy schedule, it's easy to overlook changes in your insurance rates over time. By failing to reassess your policies, you might be missing out on opportunities for valuable discounts. TMA Insurance Trust specializes in helping our members uncover these exclusive savings.

Have questions about your insurance needs? We're here to help - click here or call today

Bundled Coverage Simplified

Even if you're currently satisfied with your coverage, it's worth considering the possibility of switching insurance providers. Different carriers may offer more attractive packages or deals, and we're here to help you explore those options. TMA Insurance Trust can connect you with MyLifeProtected, which may offer discounts you may not be currently taking advantage of, such as those for anti-theft measures, good driving records, and policies for student drivers. 

Another way to enhance your coverage and simplify managing it is by bundling your home and auto insurance policies. Moreover, bundling can lead to substantial savings, as you can benefit from a multi-policy discount that can amount to up to 20%. Additionally, it's worth noting that there is an exclusive TMA member discount offered by MyLifeProtected.

Safeguard Your Home & Auto

TMA Insurance Trust is committed to helping you safeguard the valuable assets you've worked hard to attain. That's why we've teamed up with MyLifeProtected, specialists in auto and home coverage. They'll assess your current policy against plans from top carriers like Travelers. With this guidance, you can determine if there are opportunities to enhance your coverage and save money.

Don't wait for the next storm or unforeseen event to reassess your insurance coverage. See what bundling options and discounts you may be eligible for. Contact our partners at MyLifeProtected to explore options, maximize savings, and ensure peace of mind at 877-755-9576. Protecting your assets has never been this convenient and cost-effective. Let us help you weather the storms and secure a brighter future.

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For over 65 years, TMA Insurance Trust advisors have been serving Texas physicians, their families and staff. TMA Insurance Trust prides itself on offering unbiased information and strategies to members, along with exclusive group rates on a range of the highest-rated plans in the industry.

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